London is a sizable, baffling place if it’s your first time here. The Houses of Parliament provide excellent guided tours in whatever language you want that take you to locations that are inaccessible to even regular Brits. Longchamp Court is one of the top attractions in Europe. Fantastic gardens and a park designed by Capability Brown, as well as Tudor kitchens and one of the final Real Tennis courts.
There are several free (after you’ve paid the entry) guided tours led by locals who genuinely love and know the site. It is also bordered by a number of parks and is an excellent place to visit by bicycle. Various other attractions such as the Westminster Abbey, the Parks, the Theatre, The Inns of Court and the River Thames are one of the most beautiful and significant attractions of the city of London. The Westminster Abbey, charges a fee but it’s all worth it. The Theatre, however, has a low price but a high-quality visit. The Inns of Court has an absolutely free visit which largely entails the revival of the medieval era. It is basically five houses where the lawyers reside.